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How it works


Life coaching services when you need them, provided by accomplished experts. 

Please note, due to the nature of this service we are very limited regarding the number of clients we may accept at any time. 

The counseling and life coaching industries have helped millions of people live happier, more successful lives. However, to the detriment of clients, they have a few fundamental, frustrating problems. Here are two. 

1) Care quality varies greatly between providers. As in all industries, not every professional delivers exceptional service/value. This results in wasted time and resources for clients. In the counseling/coaching field, there is scant an organization that truly offers solely exceptional providers.

2) The ubiquitous industry-wide model of scheduled ~50-minute weekly or bi-weekly sessions: it is designed for efficiency, not efficacy. Clients have spontaneities needs that develop in milieu of their daily lives, and traditional models have been completely unable to meet those needs.

At Session, we have corrected these limitations (and more).  

Professional Access


Try to reach your counselor or life coach outside your scheduled session time and what happens? Nothing good.


Reaching your life coach should be as easy as reaching your attorney, or wealth manager. Meaning, if you call or text, you should be able to reach them. If they're indisposed, you can expect a return call within a couple hours at most. 

This is how we work: Unprecedented access to your professional coach, who by design has a limited number of clients.

Also, if you have a scheduled appointment, you determine the length. You might want to end a session after only 30 minutes. Another day, you might need to talk for long past an hour. This reasonable flexibility for clients is otherwise unheard of in the field.

The Price


The price is $79 per 15-minute increment. We do not accept insurance (while many of us are industry-leading mental health professionals, this service is strictly coaching not mental health counseling).


Next Steps

After you submit a _contact form, we will reach out to you with an engagement agreement. From there, you will be connected with a Session provider. 

Bonus: Who are the Providers

It's actually not a secret. We will connect you with a provider once you submit the _contact form. At that time, you will see the name and credentials of your provider.

Bonus: Why does the website look like this? 

Almost all our clients come from word-of-mouth referral. Our clients generally are those who have the means to pay a higher than standard rate, and who are frustrated by less than ideal service they've received elsewhere. This website first-and-foremost exists to orient the new clients who have been referred to us. 

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